Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Cupcake: Hot Topless Guy Frosts a Cake

 This week it's two cupcakes for the price of one. Delicious cake and delicious man frosting said cake. YUM . . .! Of course, I couldn't help laughing hysterically at this. It's camp and over the top in places (check out the porn music and captions from a recipe book that read like cake porn). But still, yum! Swoon! Drool! Oh, and CAKE!


  1. ::drooling::... This was the best way to start a Wednesday. Oh, yum....

  2. Really, that guy could be doing anything with his shirt off and it would be hot. Grocery shopping, doing taxes...

    1. I'd let him do my taxes anytime. "I'm sorry... this belongs on an F31b. You're just going to have to stay here and fill this thing out with me...." "Okay!"

  3. All I can think about is what a bitch it must be to get frosting out of chest hair. I think there's something wrong with me.

    1. That's probably because you're thinking of frosting him instead of the cake. Which is, I think, a perfectly reasonable plan with frosting and hot-guy.

  4. I guess if you find a hair in your cake, you know where it came from...
